Making “disciples indeed” is God’s mission for
the church.
Every disciple is a believer, but not every believer is a disciple.
Biblical discipleship is the process of being a student and follower of Jesus Christ. It centers on the believer’s moment-by-moment, day-by-day walk with Christ through His Word.
Are you a pastor or church leader who desires to get trained in a biblical model of discipleship?
The Vision of
Discipleship Central
51% of churchgoers in the United States have never heard of the Great Commission.* The mission has fallen on very hard times in the United States.
The focus of Discipleship Central is to envision and equip pastors and church leaders to make disciples in their local churches by providing them with the proper training, tools and resources.
“Discipleship isn't a ministry of the church it is the ministry of the church. Without the ministry of biblical discipleship, we cannot fulfill the Great Commission.”
Pastor Joe McKaig /
Decatur Baptist Church,
Decatur, AL
“Discipleship is not a church program or a Bible study. It must be an apprenticeship, in the word and work of God, that is enjoyed between a teacher and a student.”
Missionary Brian Clark /
London, England
“The heart of making disciples is that each believer will have the heart of making disciples.”
Pastor Tony Godfrey / Harvest Baptist Church,
Iola, KS
A Biblical Approach.
Biblical Discipleship is found in the command to teach all nations (Matt 28:19).
The execution of this command is given to the Church (2 Tim 2:2).
It looks like one-on-one investment from a mature believer
into the life of a younger, faithful believer through the teaching of doctrine (Eph 4:14) and modeling its application to everyday life (2 Tim 3:10).We note that it is not a class or curriculum, but the transformation of the individual believer in conformity to Christ and His Word, under the structure of the local Church.
Frequently Asked Questions
When most people say “discipleship”, they are referring to a class or curriculum that their members walk through, which can be healthy and profitable. But there is often a difference between the most common approaches and the model we present.
We offer a discipleship approach that looks like the forms of mentorship we see taking place in the New Testament between Christ and his disciples as well as Paul and those he invested in. It’s deeply relational, deeply doctrinal and a deeply sacrificial process.
Discipleship will equip your members to have a structure to grow in Christ and give the church a method for investing in young believers and new converts.
Discipleship Central will provide the leadership of your church with a tried and proven method of growing members in their faith. Our training provides a philosophy and methodology of discipleship through instructional videos that connect you with veteran disciple-makers. After introductory training, our team will help your church with a discipleship onboarding process. This website will also provide ongoing resources and tools.
Sign up for the training courses. We will provide you with free instruction and feedback forms that help our team understand your church and ministry. Before you begin, please make sure you and your church are in agreement with the biblical approach and doctrinal stance of our ministry.
Discipleship Central is a free resource because we did not invent discipleship nor do we have the market cornered on it. The heart behind our ministry is that churches would be able to fulfill their calling in the Great Commission.